Euthanasia at home

Saying goodbye to any pet, whether a much beloved dog or a rather grumpy hamster,  is one of the hardest things any of us is likely to have to do. Even when we are confident that we are doing the right thing and giving our friend the gift of a good death (euthanasia means good death), taking the decision, going through with the euthanasia and its aftermath can be very difficult and distressing.

Saying goodbye in the familiar and quiet surroundings of home allows your pet to be relaxed and avoid the distress of transportation and unfamiliar surroundings, and provide you with the time and space to cope with what is happening.

Whether your pet is coming to the end of his or her life and you wish to plan ahead so that family can be present or whether your pet take a sudden turn for the worse, we are here to help.

We can also help you consider all the options for care of the body after the event.  Whether burial at home or at a Pet Cemetery, individual or communal cremation we can remove the body or help you make arrangements according to your wishes.

Some people need extra help to cope with their bereavement.  We can help you find the appropriate help for you, if needed.