About Cristiana

profile16BA MPhil BVetMed MRCVS
After moving to the UK in 1977, Cristiana attended University College London where she obtained a BA in Classics and then an MPhil in Latin Drama.

After a 10 years’ career in University administration, Cristiana had the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong ambition of becoming a veterinary surgeon.  She qualified from the Royal Veterinary Surgeon in 1999, as a ‘mature’ student.

Cristiana worked in general practice for 5 years, before deciding to work as a locum at selected local practices.  She set up her own company Spinone Locum Ltd in 2005.

She developed an interest in care of the elderly, pain management and acupuncture and obtained the ESVPS GP Certificate in Western Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management in 2013.

In 2015 she set up Selix Vets and obtained the ESVPS GP Certificate in Animal Behaviour. She has a special interest in behavioural problems related to health issues.

Her other interests include tortoises.

When not working, Cristiana takes care of her elderly tortoises, enjoys walking, reading and visiting her large family in Italy.  She also teaches Italian.

Member of the Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists, the International Society of Feline Medicine, the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the British Veterinary Association.

Selix Vets is a trading name of Spinone Locum Ltd:

Directors: Cristiana Hill, BA, MPhil, BVetMed, MRCVS; Philip A Hill, BA

Company Reg. No. 05606772 / VAT Reg. No. 109 6303 29.  Registered office: 71 High Street, (End Terrace), Abbots Langley, Herts, WD5 0AD